Collaborating organisations

The Filmoteca de Catalunya reports to the Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals (ICEC), which is a public-law entity attached to the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia. The main purpose of the ICEC is to promote and develop the cultural industry of Catalonia, and the Filmoteca is the organisation responsible for the preservation and dissemination of Catalonia’s film heritage.

The Filmoteca has many links with other organisations, companies and institutions in the film world and cultural sector of Catalonia and, indeed, the rest of the world. These links help to enrich the Filmoteca’s work in support of the dissemination of cinema and the preservation and restoration of our film heritage.

Public organisations in the audiovisual sector and Film Academies:

ICEC. Àrea de l’Audiovisual
Barcelona-Catalunya Film Commission
Instituto de Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales (Ministerio de Cultura)
Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA)
Europa Creative
Acadèmia del Cinema Català
Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España
Acadèmia del Cinema Europeu / European Film Academy (EFA)


Film Archives

The Filmoteca de Catalunya is a full member of the FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives) and the ACE (Association of European Film Archives and Cinémathèques) and liaises closely with other film libraries and archives worldwide.


Spanish film archives:

Filmoteca Española

Centro Galego das Artes da Imaxe  
Filmoteca de Albacete
Filmoteca de Andalucía
Filmoteca de Asturias
Filmoteca Canaria
Filmoteca de Cantabria
Filmoteca de Castilla y León
Filmoteca de Extremadura
Filmoteca de Galicia
Filmoteca de La Rioja - Rafael Azcona
Filmoteca de Navarra
Filmoteca de Murcia - Francisco Rabal
Filmoteca de València
Filmoteca Vasca
Filmoteca de Zaragoza

Universities and film schools

The dissemination of our film heritage and the promotion of film culture are the essential objectives of the Filmoteca de Catalunya. Working with the different universities in Catalonia is one of the keys to achieving this goal, along with providing younger audiences with insights into the silver screen. Collaboration with these institutions is done mainly through the annual Aula de Cinema programme, given by lecturers from various universities and film schools:

Universitat de Barcelona - UB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - UPF
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC
Universitat Ramon Llull - Blanquerna
Universitat de Vic - UVIC
ECIB - Escola de Cinema de Barcelona
Elisava - Escola Universitària de Barcelona
Bande à part - Escuela de cine
FX Animation - Barcelona 3D & Film School
La Casa del Cine


Rights owners

The Filmoteca de Catalunya is a public institution that safeguards mostly private material. Film producers, or the owners of film rights, have ceded their legitimate rights to us in support of the public screening of their films. Some of them have also donated their collections to the Filmoteca.


Companies and organisations

Federació Catalana de Cineclubs
Associació Catalana de la Crítica i l’Escriptura Cinematogràfica - ACCEC
Centre de la Imatge Mas Iglesias de Reus
Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya a Terrassa
Archivo Cine Lluís Benejam
Museu del Cinema – Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol
Cinema Catalunya (Terrassa)
Cinema Truffaut Girona
Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona
Filmoteca Terres de Lleida
Memorial Democràtic (Banc Audiovisual de Testimonis)
Club Super3
Tr3sC - El Club de Cultura 
Òmnium Cultural