To consult the document collection there are several cataloguing and dissemination tools available:
We have a bibliographic catalogue with more than 55,000 records where you can consult the collections of books, magazines and films. The collection consists of reference works (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, yearbooks, bibliographies), the catalogues of festivals and companies in the sector, technical books, works on theory and aesthetics, a whole series of works classified by geography and film genre, original screenplays, biographies of actors and directors, film magazines from their first issue to the present day, and a large collection of films on DVD and Blu-ray. This catalogue forms part of the collective catalogue of the Biblioteques Especialitzades de la Generalitat and the CCUC.
We also have the Repositori Digital that gives access to all these documents, which have been digitised to facilitate consultation and to ensure their preservation (magazines, personal collections, photographs, posters, books, film scores, etc.) as well as publications that were originally published in digital format.
We also subscribe to the Screen Studies Collections database that we make available to our users, which contains three major indexing and pooling databases of international film magazines: American Film Index, Index International i International Index to Film Periodicals.
We also provide access to EBOOK CENTRAL for consulting and downloading e-books.